Tuesday, September 28, 2010

More more more.

I LOVED Mom's post below! So great!

Can you believe that when I was almost due, Miriam was finding out the gender of her baby. And now that Miriam's on the brink, Katie will find out in a few weeks the gender of theirs? Each of our babies will be about 4.5 months apart. Pretty crazy?

Okay. Some changes. Rachel is not going to stop in Salt Lake at all. Don't talk to me about it, I'm really sad and wishing she was here.

Mom and company are arriving Thursday evening, hopefully in time to go to a speaking event at BYU with the girls in the fam. I will probably be down at Miriam's or thereabouts by 6pm. Hannah is probably coming down with me.

Lastly, I talked to mom today for a few minutes and seriously, SERIOUSLY we could not stop giggling. About nothing. It's safe to say we're excited.

Girls, any requests for dessert on Saturday? Do you feel like cobbler or cake? Cookies or ice cream?

(I thought that comment about the boys being shipped off to war (priesthood) was hilarious!).

Also, I have a couple of games in mind so brush up on your knowledge of the Medley fam and your spouse's past!

Monday, September 27, 2010

I'm coming.

I should be packing, cleaning, preparing, scheduling. Here I am blogging about it instead. It started out innocently--a trip to be with Miriam and their new firstborn. Suddenly it is a family reunion. How does it just happen? I thought family reunions took effort and here we are watching the phenomenon gracefully roll along as if it has its own power source, like my heart does.

I am still coming for the newborn. I will be an excellent sport about all the exciting reunion schedule, but I will have one part of my heart on the trail and the other in the bassinet. So if I seem a little quiet, (right!) you will know why.

I love all my daughters and the births of their babies. It is a special bond that forms as we talk and laugh over the shared experiences. What is it about this new horizon in my life, when my son's wife is carrying my new grandchild, that fills me with wonder? I have been a little embarrassed about my crazy love of having babies, but Katie is all over it!! Children sense that they were wanted and cherished. I think they get it while still in the womb. The special dance between the grandmothers I will again do in March. I am in a different place with this one. But I have always felt arms tightly around me, welcoming me into the circle. You do not know how beautiful it has been.

Some things I look forward to: Holding my little girls, reading to them, telling them stories, watching the kids dance, talking with each individual, listening to a session of conference (although the chance of listening is somewhat compromised), singing, seeing Hannah relax, going to DI, a fabric shop, Deseret Book, feeling like I can be myself.

Some things I am nervous about: My back, sleeping poorly, being held responsible for Dad's distracted nature, listening to his complaining about not being able to surf (laugh all you want, I am serious!), being photographed, getting back into Arcata Airport on time.

So I will step into our car...hope it makes it far enough for you all to come rescue us...and off we will come. Leaving home to come home.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Reunion plans

Hello all you lovely lovely people.

Our weekend reunion is on the horizon. Everyboooooddddy readdddyyyy???

I talked to both Dad and Mom on separate occasions and of course, their stories never line up, so this is what I have put together so far for plans:

--Thursday night they arrive, they stay over night at Miriam's house. Assuming no baby has come. If Rachel has a stopover on her way to California, she will be in town this night only, but I haven't heard from her if she will stop in SL or not. She has to leave early Friday morning. Boohoo, Rache.

--Friday is an adventure day, do whatever, on whatever schedule you want. Me and the kids may or may not come down.
Friday night Mom and Dad come stay at my house. Jared and Lynn may stay over night as well. Naomi and Colin arrive Friday night sometime around 8 or 9pm.

--Saturday morning Jared and Lynn are cooking breakfast at our house. Everyone may want to get up here fairly early (9) so we can eat together. Sometime during the day (could be 11 am, could be 2pm, whatever) we are going to head up the canyon and take a little walk around Silver Lake (probably about 1/4 of a mile and pretty flat, but incredibly beautiful). This could include a picnic lunch, we'll see.

Sometime Saturday Grama Jeannie, Grampa Dee, and John's family will be driving out to meet up with us. Not sure the time yet.

Saturday evening we'll have spaghetti and garlic bread and the boys will head out for Priesthood Session (minus Sean maybe if he wants to attend with his Dad!).

AKA: SATURDAY EVENING IS GIRL'S NIGHT. That includes lots o' chocolate and tons of chatter.

--Sunday is pretty unplanned. Watch conference, that's a biggie. Everyone just come in their comfy clothes and we'll have tons of food here to eat all day. There's a park up the road, so we can always walk up there. It'll be a day where we can all just be together and enjoy the chaos. We for sure need to do some music this day!!!

Naomi and Colin leave Sunday evening. BOOO HOOOO.

--Monday is up in the air. Mom and Dad and kids may want to drive down to Utah County again to see Gideon's house or maybe do another activity or some sight seeing.

--Any or all of this might change if Miriam has that baby!

--Any input, add in the comments.

--Can't wait to see your faces and punch your shoulders.


Saturday, September 18, 2010

A Few Memories of the Green House

The house was not always green! In fact for most of our eleven years living there it was...brown, light brown, pinkish, taupe. Anyway, one day we decided to paint it. I was to pick the color and I wanted to live in a green house. To me, many green houses in town were so pretty. So I looked at the swatches and decided that my favorite shade was Barbados Green. Why did I not heed the warning of the name? As soon as a significant amount was applied to the house, I knew I was in trouble. I was horrified. Although I loved the color, it was almost obsene on a house! I decided that I would just go ahead and love it, endure the shocked looks on all our friends' faces, and pretend it was the best choice ever. There was nothing else to do.
Soon thereafter, it came time to sell it and we closed a deal in 45 days! A Mexican family (who still lives there and are good friends with us) bought it right away. In America, house colors were going more trendy, earthy, quiet tones while in Mexico are bright and festive colors. Of course they would love it. Funny thing, though, within a year they had new siding put on, the kind that requires no painting. It turned out to be the same color as the house before the Barbados Green!

One of the clearest memories I have is the creation of the game: Hide the person. It was preceded by a game we had been playing called Hide the Van. There were tons of hiding places in that house. The closets had drawers under them and there were plenty of beds and dressers. After exhausting all of that, the hiding places became more sophistocated. I stopped playing as I watched Dad increase the risk to your safety to get the "perfect" spot.

After fifteen years and seven kids, we got a dishwasher (which was no longer me!). We saved $100 a month for four months and paid cash. This was my ticket to sound mental health. I seriously loved my dishwasher nearly as much as I loved my children. I could never figure out, though, why loading it was the least popular job of you kids. I collasped in abject joy at the thought of placing dirty dishes in a machine and taking them out perfectly clean.

I got a phone call one day from the Times Standard. They wanted to feature our family in the paper because we were a functional large family, native to Eureka. I remember all of us sitting around and she (I can't remember her name anymore) asking us all kinds of questions about being in a big family. All you guys sat on the couch (Jared and Rachel were draped accross the back) and were not too wiggly, but you all answered her which impressed her so much that the article turned out very good.

How can I ever forget the big earthquake? The older children and Dad were somewhere up Fern Canyon at the time. As the tremor increased, I took the little ones under the kitchen table. I don't ever panic but rather enjoy earthquakes and this was no different. This had a calming effect on every one but little Naomi. She buried her face in my lap so hard the she was just short of climbing inside my body! She refused to budge, not making a peep. The earth shuddered for a good half hour, or maybe we just kept feeling the rocking motion. After some time, I lifted Naomi up. She had fallen asleep, still pressed firmly into my legs and was feverish. We all felt bad for her.

One year, all you kids got your money together and bought a room for our anniversary. You also offered to babysit for that night. It was a wonderful time at the Carter House Inn. When we came home the next day, the entire livingroom floor was completely covered in blankets, sleeping bags, pillows, stuffed animals, bowls, toys, etc. Even though I was eight month pregnant and the room was ridiculous, I remember enjoying cleaning, thinking that this will be a great story to tell someday.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Kid of the Week

Had a memory bite pop up tonight.

Kid of the week.

Mom and Dad, that was the best idea ever. I remember getting special treatment; sitting in the front seat, picking the FHE treat, etc.

And it was just ingenious. I'm sure it saved so many arguments for you guys.

Definitely implementing that one.

Props to the best parents.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


September 14, 1996


Isaac - I told him when he was about 9 years old that a movie was too violent for him, he said, "but , Dad, I love violence!" He whistles three octaves, played in the jazz band and the orchestra at zane, and plays lead guitar in the Dad/son blues duet group. He used to sleep walk - he gave us some weird answers when he would stumble out into the hallway. Had to make sure you pointed him to the bathroom - he would imagine it was anywhere, if ya know what I mean! Confident, handsome, smart - and friendly, good combo.


Isaac broke all the rules that I had so proudly brought about. He did not sleep all night until about three years old. He screamed his way through the first two years of his life. Potty training was a disaster. The year he was born was the first year we went to the family reuinion and stayed all week. I spent nearly the whole time out in the tent with him because he cried and screamed so much. After that trial by fire, he finally grew out of it all and became the most lovely child to raise. It was almost an overnight change.

He loved to play with Bethany and Bethany loved to play with him. They were endless in their imaginations and their scenarios and got along 100% and were always together. When Bethany went to Kindergarden, Isaac moped (almost to a mentally ill degree) all morning until she came home. Then all was well and happy with them both. As we approached Bethany's first grade (all day) it was almost essential to enroll Isaac in the Backyard Pre-school. He LOVED it. He loved everything about it!


I got the call at Sizzler. Mom was in the hospital and she was about to have Isaac. I was so excited. I held him and loved him and about a year later, I moved away. When he was five or so, I brought Jake home to meet the family. Isaac was such an amazing kid and still continues to be. When I hear Ruby talk, there is a striking resemblance to Isaac, and it reminds me of him so often.


Isaac: the very essence of sweetness. I appreciate who you are. I remember when you came in to this world. We loved you from the beginning. Once when kneeling down for family prayer before you were born, we felt there was someone missing. We knew you were there, in heaven, your voice still heard. Now, as you change from a little boy to an adolescent and young adult, my mind is continually brought back to that wonderful day when I met you. At the hospital for the very last new baby of mom's. You are the 9th but your welcome was great as if you were the only one. You have always had such a great personality. So full of life, so funny, and always somehow becoming the life of the party. I tend to imagine you as an amazing missionary out there in the mission field. Stay close to Heavenly Father so your strong and humble testimony will be a bright beacon for others to see.
Happy birthday Isaac buddy. I hope your day is special and you know how much I love you.


Isaac always fell asleep during scripture study or family prayer. He could fall asleep anywhere and never wake up again once it was past 9:00pm. And if you didn't help him to the bathroom he would just go wherever he ended up. Me and Aaron bought him the new Batman movie for his birthday. He turned the jacket over and saw the rating "PG-13?! Sweet, that means it's good!" His wrestling couch told him not to smile so much. He would pull any stunt Gideon wanted him too - especially when it included riding the skate board really fast and going careening into a mattress...or the ground, whatever. He always wanted to eat top ramen and buy starbursts and nerds at the store. I told him all that stuff was "fake" food and "fake" candy and refused to make it or buy it. So, I married someone who's favorite food is top ramen and nerds. (And Isaac, I confess that I have succumbed and eat it all the time too). Thanks for all the sweet "best guardian ever" notes. You're a special kid. Happy Birthday!!


Colin and I were able to spend four days with Isaac recently in Eureka while the rest of the fam was out of town. He is a riot. I love him. One thing that I will always remember about Isaac is his wood working stuff. He is always doing something in the garage. It usually involved taking wood that was moms and nailing it together into something! One christmas, he made us all something out of wood. He made me a foot stool that had material stuffed with batting and stapled onto the top. It was beautiful. Isaac never stops. I hope he never runs out of gas. Love you Isaac. Naomi


i think the best memories of isaac are just when we would play together. the games we would play consisted of barbie, cars, and army men, and house!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Where were you?

Today is September 11th. It was 9 years ago. I was 12. That long already. I remember mom coming in and waking me up. I kept my blanket with me and I came into the TV room where the TV was actually on. At 7 in the morning? The TV is never on then. Mom said a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. What was that? Where was that? Why was a plane crashing such a big deal? Isn't that a normal thing? As we watched, a second plane hit the other tall building. That was when I really woke up. This couldn't have been an accident. The rest of that day was a blur. I most of my classes we watched the TV. I didn't have much homework. No one was very happy. Most of my teachers cried.
A lot of peoples lives changed that day. I don't have anything exceptionally philosophical or awesome to say but I try to remember on the 11th day of September that its been another year that someone's wife, brother, fiance, father didn't come home. I pray for those families. I hope we all do.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Letter to Hannah from Mom

What brush has painted this? 
The strokes that glide down each shaft of beautiful hair?
The blending of paint to the eyes?
The intricate, perfect mouth?
The fastinating skin?
The shoulders always ready to bear a small girl's head, or a strong man's hug?
The inviting gaze into my face?
The voice so easy to hear in this picture?
What brush sweeps across this heart?
The strokes that sing out from deep within?
The movement of her doubts and fears, and conquering spirit rising?
The stirring of love for all that she has been given?
The gifts held wisely, ready to share at any moment?
The incredible friend who so freely loves me, her mum?
Would I have known such an artist gave me this portrait 29 years ago, I would have knealt before her sooner.

Monday, September 6, 2010


I love the memory idea from Miriam, great birthday thing! Happy Birthday to you!!!

I talked to Rachel today and she said there's a 90% chance that she'll come to the reunion! She would most likely fly in Friday and fly out Monday. She said she won't know until about two weeks out. So let's all hope she can make it so we can have fun and TAKE SOME FAMILY FFFFYYYYYOTOS!!!!!

PS, I added a few more memories in the posts below so don't forget to check them out.


Sunday, September 5, 2010


September 6, 1985

Mirs and the Tu-tu! Dressed to kill, baby. You loved it. How bout Mirs playing the Entertainer Jimmy Hendrix Style? Upside down laying on the piano Bench? Miriam and her friends - as a placid, "go with the flo" kinda guy, I could never understand the drama/pain that was always involved! Mirs, sorry for the trauma of your first backpacking trip. The fierce wind and almost losing hannah over the cliff... Beautiful child, my "brown -eyed girl" Mirs played the organ for the ward when she couldn't even reach the pedals. People were like" what's that little kid doin up there?" Once mom and I made Mirs go to church despite her protests of being sick. She launched right in the middle of Sacrament meeting. Can never forget Mirs and Lynn, the piano teacher.

Miriam: I have memories of her playing music beautifully, hiking with her and just generally having a good time. But it wasn't until before her mission that we really bonded. We exchanged some emails that were so deep and philosophical that I can't believe we could communicate so well without even talking on the phone. I loved her thoughts, wisdom and deep ambitions. After her mission, we still corresponded that way and I talked to her a lot about feeling "normal" again. I loved this time of her (and my) life.

I remember Miriam always being so stylish. She did the short hair, the skirt over the pants, made hemp necklaces, awesome earrings, and the vests. I have always looked up to Miriam from style to talent. Miriam and I spent an entire summer together after her mission and became closer than we had ever been. That was one of the best summers of my life. Work, Humboldt Branch, Dating, Beach, outside adventures, Florida, Utah, Meeting Aaron- that summer was awesome. Each summer since, I think about our time together. I am so proud of Miriam and all she has accomplished. I am so happy she's going to be a mom. Miriam and Aaron will be great parents. Love you. Naomi

miriam: roooommate!! the best memories were laying in our beds trying to make the best weirdest sounding noises....i never got any sleep!

Thank you everyone that came to my surprise party! And thank you to all who sent emails. Please comment if you have your own memories to share!


My favorite, most endearing thing I remember about Miriam is the letters she would send me on my mission. She has always been beyond her years. Someone so careful as to not step on the imaginary lines she created with the corners in the furniture, I knew she was special. Miriam has always loved the things she loves. Whether it's heart shaped glasses or teaching piano, her passion for those things shines. Her love for the gospel radiates. Thanks for being who you are Mirs, I hope and pray you never change. I love you for all that you stand for.

And two from Mom:

Miriam loved her tappy shoes.  After wearing them to kindergarten for a few weeks, Mrs. Piland called me and said that she would not be able to wear them because they were not safe on the playground, being so slippery.  I explained this to Miriam and banned the wearing of them to school.  She was OK with that.  At the end of that week, Mrs. Piland called me again and asked me to not let her wear them to school.  I told her that she had not worn them to school all week.  Oh no, said she, Miriam has had them all week.  What?  Come to find out that Miriam had worn her school shoes to school and had smuggled her tappy shoes to school in her backpack, changing as she got to school!
I was playing the organ one Sunday and had practiced "America, the Beautiful" for sacrament meeting.  It was challenging for me but I felt mostly prepared.  In the middle of that hymn, to my horror, I glimpsed little baby Miriam crawling toward the organ.  Dad must have been distracted (can't imagine how!) and had not seen her escape.  So I realized, helplessly, that I was on my own.  It was in a few moments that Dad began to hear some crazy base notes coming from the organ.  He saw Miriam climbing over the pedals while I continued as best I could.  He did rescue me, but the congregation had a good giggle out of my plight. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


August 19, 2010

I remember sneaking bottles to Gid when he was supposedly weaned. And who could forget the "splat/burp" routine he used to do - ya know, the face plant followed by the long belch? Gid's wrestlling career was better than any Horatio Alger story! He started as an 85 lb runt, I don't think he had to cut weight til he was a senior. Loved those wrestling tournements. The classic was the viola/cello duet that Gid and Tate did. Ya shoulda seen it! It was so bad it was funny. I think Ms. Rust was the teacher. How bout Gid and Richie Messerly in Limited? I think they drove Rust over the deep end!

Favorite memory of Gideon: I went away to college for a year, came back at age 19, and took Gideon on a backpacking trip. We went for three days, two nights, near fern canyon. We had a great time. I seem to remember packing mostly marshmallows to eat... maybe some onion soup that I cooked for us. I set up the tent and we hunkered down for a cold Humboldt weekend. We spotted a long pole the next day, I think it was a bear pole, and Gideon climbed up to the very top. I remember thinking... man, this is dangerous, Dad probably wouldn't like this much, but ah well.

Edited to add Sarah's comment:

I loved Gideon's "chick phase" before his mission (and before Katie of course!). He would talk to me about each one of them and about what he liked and didn't like. I think he was loving life in the college atmosphere.

Then he met Katie. I remember how much I loved her the first time he brought her up to meet us. They came to our home in Lehi and before long Katie and I were discussing Oprah and Africa and how we wanted to save the world!

Gid was confused a little after his mission and so was Katie. Finally, they both closed that distance together. And I am forever grateful they did.

So proud of you Gid bones!

From roughly age 2 to 8 years, Gideon lived on the spinner. At the fair he rode the Gravitron like 20 times in a row since there was no line. Then when he was probably 10 he threw up for like two weeks straight. I think all the spinning finally caught up to him. He always liked to destroy things; plates, plastic containers, milk jugs, my dolls...eh hem. He was a studly bass and wrestler in his later years in high school. Sorry I wasn't the nicest big sister when you were a freshman...but you were always so happy-go-lucky about everything - and still are. Thanks for being a good example to me Gid.

Gideon: One memory I have about Gideon is his cinderblock head. He jumped off the dresser and bounced off the bed headfirst into the wall. It left a Gideon's dent... in the wall! I recently went to my teachers house and was telling his kids stories about when I was kid and when I told them about head, they couldn't stop laughing. But Gideon always knew what my buttons were. He found pleasure in making me as angry as he could. But despite all of that, Gideon and I are the best of friends. I am so happy for him and all that he has done with his life- especially for his lovely wife. Thanks for bringing her into the fam Gid. Hope you had an awesome Birthday. Love ya. Naomi

Gideon: i remember when he convinced dad to let him toss a lead brick into the screen of an old TV. it made a HUGE explosion!!

We hope you had the best birthday Gideon!
Thanks to everyone who submitted their memories, you can post a comment and share yours too.


Memories from Mom:

Besides sleeping for the first year of his life, one memory of Gideon sticks out vividly.  When he was about three years old, he wept through every meal.  He sat there (next to his tender, doting father, and under the eye of his exasperated mother) completely awash in tears.  Dad would tenderly lift his chin and spoon in a bite, talking encouragingly to him.  Gideon would never refuse a bite and would resume the sniffling until the next dose of food.  I would roll my eyes and declare that he can feed himself and that Dad was only causing Gideon to be an emotional wreck.  Dad would say cheerfully, "he isn't spoiled, just well taken care of!" 
My favorite memory of him was his agility and fearlessness.  Every Sunday after church he could be found somewhere in the rafters (aka basketball hoops) swinging around.  He would run up the wall and grab the bar support, swing up onto it and sit up there watching all the other kids try the same stunt.  It was to the dismay of Bishop Bingham, who would tattle on him to us, shaking his head and sporting a wee grin when he did so. 

Edited to Add:

Aw you guys are gonna make a pregnant girl cry with all these nice things about Gideon! If I had to pick a favorite memory of Gideon in all our four years of lovin each other, I'd have to say it was when we first became friends and we were working at the Pita Pit. He would blast Nickle Creek on the sound system when we would be closing, mopping floor and such, and he would sing like crazy. Customers actually commented on the nice singing coming from the back of the shop from time to time. I knew then I had to keep him.