Monday, July 4, 2011

Mom - Everyone should read this. Thoroughly.

July 2, 1957

This time of year holds so many wonderful memories of summer. Mom's birthday always sticks out in my mind because it's so close to the 4th of july. The grimy, sweaty kids running around Grandma's house with berry-stained hands, orange clay-mud all over shoes and pant legs, building grass forts in the freshly mowed field, and climbing all over that old barn in the meadow before it finally fell down. Cooking out and fireworks seemed always synonymous with drizzle, since we never really had the best luck with the weather. There was always a cake though, and ice cream because it was mom's birthday! 
One thing about mom that I really love is that despite the unthinkably difficult years of raising rowdy kids, she always canned stuff. Any sane person in their right mind would just go on down to the supermarket and by cans of stuff already in cans, saving the hours and mess of canning fruit and jams. But I don't know if it was her desire to teach us how to do it or a need to save money, but either way, we came out on top. Almost nobody my age has ever canned or preserved's a dying art. When I tell people that my mother canned all summer and how many kids there were, they can't believe it. Thanks mom. I learned more from you than you will ever know!!
Love you.
We are driving down a highway along the Atlantic coast on this special day, moms birthday. I keep looking at the trees that line the freeway wishing I knew their names, how they behaved, their approximate age... mom would know. Yesterday I found myself sitting, staring at a bag of "treasures", some blank paper and a pen. I thought long and hard how to put together a good treasure hunt. It was good, but Mom's would have been so much better. I planted a garden a few weeks ago. Everything we planted reminded me of Mom since she headed up last year's garden, my first! Mom, you are so much a part of me. Only a blurry line exists where you end and I begin. I owe so much to you!! Happy birthday!!
Mom-you are a very special woman. How can I write something that would illustrate the magnitude of what you have done for me? On your birthday, I think of all you deserve. Among those are a long romantic vacation with dad, a million dollars, and a day at the spa. Since I am still poor in funds, I am going to resort to a special note, just for you. Mom I fought you tooth and nail every day when you would get us out of bed for morning devotional but since your level of stubbornness was slightly more developed than mine, you won. Every time. And to this day, I still know all the Articles of Faith, all the poetry and even remember the president books. I have grown up to be a strong woman too and I attribute that to my upbringing. I believe that before I came to earth, I knew you, I chose you as my mom and you chose me as your daughter. Probably the best choice I ever made. I remember being on the other side of the world in Australia teaching the Gospel. I loved the work so much and had countless life changing experiences. Yet I found the most strength in the letters from home. I know I insisted you and dad write me instead of email (I know that was a little lame of me). But the testimonies that you and dad would share with me seemed to give me the strength to carry on when I felt like I had reached the point of exhaustion. You never cease to amaze me with your continued strength and determination. Thank you for being there for me mom. I hope and pray I can be even half the mother that you were to me. Happy Birthday mom. I love you.

Mom, I remember writing you a letter when I was about 13 or 14 telling you that I knew you were meant to be my mother, and that I was sent to you. You've given me so many memories I cannot begin to tell them all. To name a few; SQUIRT. I loved it, I love it. I wish Jade would do squirt with me now. All in good time. JOB CARDS. I loved checking off my jobs on the laminated 3x5 cards every summer. My guardian helped me. You brought us close to each other every time you could. MUSIC LESSONS. Driving all the way to Fieldbrook, paying for months and months of lessons, harassing us to practice, all the performances. DEVOTIONAL. The spirit, it was there every time. I loved the poems (although I couldn't recite one for you if my life depended on it-I failed you there, sorry) and I loved what I learned about coming together as a family. SCRIPTURE STUDY. You fought for it. You fought for it with so many of us. I'm so grateful you did. My love for the scriptures started there. PATRIOTISM. We sang the star spangled banner every time we went by the big flag on the way to Mckinleyville. TEARS. Mom, you are emotional at every turn. Every happy or sad ending of a movie, in church, at pack meeting, at family get togethers. You have a gift and you are sensitive to the spirit. Thanks for teaching us all to be sensitive to what's important in life, treating others with love and respect, and taking pride in who we are. Mom, you are everything to our family. I thank my Heavenly Father for you. Happy Birthday. 
Some of my greatest memories are summer days at the Arcata pool. I remember mom taking us every day, every summer. We longed for the last day of swimming when we could finally get a Popsicle and an allotment for gummy bears or licorice. Mom always diplomatically solved the eternal battle between the playhouse and cannon. She coached us on how to manage the emotional trauma of the high dive. I love those memories of mom spending time with us during the day, I am lucky to have had you as a mom back then and I'm lucky now to get calls from you about all the great things you still do. Thanks for being such a great example to all of us. Thank you for showing us what the gospel can do to change your life, and helping me to live in those dangerous younger years. Love you mom, and happy birthday. 
Mom. What a wonderful lady you are. Many of my teachers have told me that I must have a wonderful mother if I can do all the things I do. I assure them that she is. 
One thing that I always will remember about mom is canning. Twice a year, hundreds of boxes would take over our yard and more than we expected would usually be left at our house by sunset. We all know how incredibly awesome moms Apricot jam is, how like candy her canned pears are and how one person could easily eat an entire jar of canned peaches. Since leaving home, I always look forward to those phone calls around fruit time when mom calls me and gives me an update. Surprisingly, I miss the phone ringing off the hook with old ladies asking for "the fruit lady." I love moms outlook on life, her free spirit and her hard work ethic. I am so glad she taught us that. I am sad I cant be home this year to give you a little celebration. I love you. I hope your birthday is wonderful.