Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Birthday to Miriam.


Backpacking was and is a favorite Medley past time. Mirs got her introduction when she was about 11 years old. I look at trips as a whole -  that is you have a bad one and 3 good ones to make up for it. Unfortunately, the first one we took Mirs on was one of those "bad" ones. I guess none are totally 'bad" but when we hike for 4 or 5 hours in the dark with flashlights and the wind is blowing about 25 miles an hour (all night) and Hannah almost gets blown off the cliff. I think we freaked poor Mirs out! Sorry Miriam - I should have been a bit more sensitive to your tender young self-esteem. I guess after that trip you decided you did not like backpacking and hence wondered how you would ever fit into the Medley's! I'm glad we had a bunch after that that were great - hopefully they made up for that first one... Years went by - too quickly of course -  and Mirs found her self near the end of her senior year of high school with an interesting dilemma. She was an outstanding piano player, but did not have the grades or units to get into college. Hence began her "endless summer" between her high school senior and college freshman year. It was seamless - you started CR before school ended and byu online english ended just as HSU started. I'll never forget going down to the bay area for that Shostakovich or Rachmaninov stuff and hearing you play with some hoity- toity orchestra. My kid! Ya rock mirs. I love how you can always count on Mirs for a deep conversation - she's a thinker. Love ya mirs - you treat your family well - you are a good example -  keep up the good teaching too! love Dad


My fondest memory of Miriam is how she kept changing in and out of her clothes all day long. She must have changed at least 50 times from the time she woke up to the time she went to bed most of her childhood! She was excessively fashion-conscious. She had to wear certain little dresses with foo-foos and frills (in an athletic way). She had a pair of “tappy shoes” that she wore to school. Mrs. Piland called me and asked if I would please have her wear tennis shoes so that she wouldn’t slip! Tennis shoes were safer! I told Miriam the news and we decided to leave the tappy shoes at home. A few days later, Mrs. Piland called me and said that the tappy shoes were becoming a problem! I told her Miriam had left them at home! She just laughed and said that Miriam would change into them when she got to school (having smuggled them in her backpack). Happy Birthday Miriam!! I feel like you always live your life in your tappy shoes!!!!


The first memory I thought of was a recent one, when you and Aaron came to visit and how much fun we had. It is so rare to get one of my siblings completely to myself and I had you for like 5 days! I loved all the conversations we had and all the reminiscing. And getting to hang out with Jade and get to know her too, what a fun time! Love you little sister. You'll always be little MIriam to me!! Love, Rachel


Oh Miriam. I have so many memories of you. I want to do something different. I want to tell you all the things I love about you now. You have an innate sense of people. You are someone who can almost always finish my sentences. We have had deep conversations where there are pauses, and we look at each other, and there is electricity in the air. You get me, I get you. I love it. Your becoming a mother is a stage that has been beautiful to behold. You are so gracious in the way you accept and take advice from us, even when I'm sure you're sick of hearing it. You have a mother-bear relationship with Jade and it is so beautiful to see, especially since you were so worried that you would not be the best "baby person". Get real!! You possess more musical talent in your pinky than I possess in my whole brain, and I've always been jealous! Thank you for being an amazing woman, Miriam. I love you with all my heart.


Miriam, the fancy little girl with the star shaped glasses, pink dresses, and full of attitude. I have always loved every little thing about you Mirs. From the imaginary lines in the house to the continual need for crutches, what a fantastic person you have always been. Suddenly, before I left on my mission we somehow became very close. Writing back and forth for the time I was gone, we seemed to become even closer, a type of kindred spirits. Thank you for all your fantastic letters while I was out there. Your testimony helped me go and teach everyday. For such a young girl, you had an amazing testimony of the Savior, who you are and where you came from. Your love for your family and for Heavenly Father gave me so much strength. Then to see it full circle was to travel down to San Antonio and see the great work you had done in your time served there. You really did (and continue to) let your light shine. I will forever be thankful for that Miriam. Now, seeing you as a mother is awesome. Little Jade is so lucky to have you and Aaron is one fortunate guy to have you. Now it is a treasured treat each time I get to spend time with you. I love how we can just sit and chat with nothing else planned, it is a blast. You deserve an awesome gift and one day when I am rich and famous, I'll get you that gift. I am so happy we have each other. Love you and Happy Birthday!!


One day we were at home and Mom and Dad were gone. There was some kind of altercation in the living room in which Miriam became the focal point of some aggressive energy. She went outside, slammed the door behind her which we all thought was the end of the altercation. Just then, the door flew open and the toilet plunger went sailing over our heads and we watched in slow motion as the handle of the plunger impaled Aunt Fran’s family portrait that sat on the piano. Miriam looked petrified. It was hard to tell whether she felt that her anger had been sufficiently released, or she was terrified of what she had actually done. There were probably thoughts going through her head of regret/terror/ psychological dominance over everyone in the room. I don’t remember anything after that, I’m not sure what kind of punishment ensued (if any). What has always stuck with me is my awe of Miriam’s ability to accomplish the seemingly insurmountable. Sometimes I still think about the figurative toilet plunger flying through the air over my head... 

Happy Birthday Miriam!!


My best memories of Miriam are from about 6 years ago when I moved to utah. She lived a mile or two away, and we saw her often. I loved driving down and spending time at her apartment or giving her a ride. Miriam was such a good friend to me when I started out on my own. She set me up on a date or two (bad idea when your brother is 18 and clueless) and was always down for a climb at the quarry. Miriam has always been so happy and enthusiastic and encouraging. She always is excited to see you. I have lots of memories too of hanging out with Miriam in high school (also a bad idea when your brother is 14 and clueless) and when she was at HSU. Miriam has always been such a good friend to me. Thanks Miriam, and we love you.


There is so much about Miriam that I would love to say. I remember when she was in high school, she asked me what I thought about something. I didn't respond. "Do you think about anything?" "Not really." I have changed since then I assure you. But there is one thing in particular that Miriam and I will always treasure in our hearts. That one summer. Miriam got off her mission around April and two weeks later played the piano for my cello final. That summer was the best summer we had together. I had grown so much since she had left on her mission and I felt like we were the same age. We drove the volvo everywhere, went everywhere together and had a blast. It wasn't until I ran out of money that we even thought about getting jobs. We worked for two and half months and saved up enough to take a trip to Florida to visit Sarah for two weeks. That summer, we headed the Humboldt Branch Relief Society, broke down on the way to Utah, Miriam met Aaron while he was on a date with me, bought way too many hand me down clothes, and we both got awesome tans. That summer allowed Miriam and I to become closer sisters. She knows now that I do "think" and can even articulate what I am thinking. I love you Miriam. Have a very happy birthday. 


I remember when we were sharing rooms and she came home one night from college and it was really late. We were both in our beds and the lights were out. We tried to make the funniest noises we could and most of them were fart noises! We stayed up for hours making funny noises!!! This next memory has to do with farts, too, but ya know, we are the Medleys... Me, Miriam and Naomi were staying the night in one of the high schooler rooms and I farted, they laughed and my excuse was it just kind of “wheezed out”! They started busting up laughing and we spent the next half hour coming up with different names for different kinds of farts! I also remember this one night I woke up and had a ear ache. I woke up and the light was on and Miriam had just come home and was working on homework. My ear hurt incredibly bad. Worse than I had ever felt. I couldn’t move my head and I was sitting there crying. Miriam went and got me some medicine and some water and carried me upstairs to Mom’s bed. She sat with me while I cried and hurt so bad. She stayed with me and made things so much better. Love you Miriam!


I remember once when she was having a concert and she was playing the piano. When she was done, I ran up there on the stage and I was in my black pants and light blue button up shirt. I gave her the bouquet of flowers. Mom made me do it!! Happy Bday Miriam.

Monday, August 22, 2011


Today I am particularly sensitive to the growing up of my children and grandchildren. I am in Utah surrounded by many of them. I am away from my two youngest. So the stage is set for some pondering and introspection.

Each time something happens over the years, I feel the dreaded tug of something forcing me to relinquish my grasp on my babies' childhood. Tears, pleading, praying, writing, screaming cannot change the tide. It comes uncaring of a mothers' heart breaking. I feel the sand pulling under my feet. I see the wave draw outward relentlessly, rhythmically, predictably. My mother tears are carried away as refuse.

All I can do was wait. Wait for the magical new tide to bring newness and wonder. Do my babies still know me? Do they know I love them uncomprehendingly? Do they remember my smiles, my touches, my hugs and my voice. Each time I wait. And it comes, splashing joyfully. Always. Different but always.

I love the ocean. Countless times I have stood at the edge and felt the ocean pull out, the sand gathering out from under my bare feet. The building wave is beautiful, eager to swallow up the empty sand. It crashes back onto the shore, into my legs. Happy, crazy, joyous, foaming and lovely.

I have stood on a shore during this month. I have felt the tide pull out for the last 33 years. I am here under the wave, giggling, laughing, eating, tumbling. Girls' night out, births, photos, babies, shopping, secrets, eating, hugging, laughing and laughing, sharing, praying, absorbing, helping...

The tide will pull out again, I know. But for a few more days it is delicious.
(August 2011)

Monday, July 4, 2011

Mom - Everyone should read this. Thoroughly.

July 2, 1957

This time of year holds so many wonderful memories of summer. Mom's birthday always sticks out in my mind because it's so close to the 4th of july. The grimy, sweaty kids running around Grandma's house with berry-stained hands, orange clay-mud all over shoes and pant legs, building grass forts in the freshly mowed field, and climbing all over that old barn in the meadow before it finally fell down. Cooking out and fireworks seemed always synonymous with drizzle, since we never really had the best luck with the weather. There was always a cake though, and ice cream because it was mom's birthday! 
One thing about mom that I really love is that despite the unthinkably difficult years of raising rowdy kids, she always canned stuff. Any sane person in their right mind would just go on down to the supermarket and by cans of stuff already in cans, saving the hours and mess of canning fruit and jams. But I don't know if it was her desire to teach us how to do it or a need to save money, but either way, we came out on top. Almost nobody my age has ever canned or preserved's a dying art. When I tell people that my mother canned all summer and how many kids there were, they can't believe it. Thanks mom. I learned more from you than you will ever know!!
Love you.
We are driving down a highway along the Atlantic coast on this special day, moms birthday. I keep looking at the trees that line the freeway wishing I knew their names, how they behaved, their approximate age... mom would know. Yesterday I found myself sitting, staring at a bag of "treasures", some blank paper and a pen. I thought long and hard how to put together a good treasure hunt. It was good, but Mom's would have been so much better. I planted a garden a few weeks ago. Everything we planted reminded me of Mom since she headed up last year's garden, my first! Mom, you are so much a part of me. Only a blurry line exists where you end and I begin. I owe so much to you!! Happy birthday!!
Mom-you are a very special woman. How can I write something that would illustrate the magnitude of what you have done for me? On your birthday, I think of all you deserve. Among those are a long romantic vacation with dad, a million dollars, and a day at the spa. Since I am still poor in funds, I am going to resort to a special note, just for you. Mom I fought you tooth and nail every day when you would get us out of bed for morning devotional but since your level of stubbornness was slightly more developed than mine, you won. Every time. And to this day, I still know all the Articles of Faith, all the poetry and even remember the president books. I have grown up to be a strong woman too and I attribute that to my upbringing. I believe that before I came to earth, I knew you, I chose you as my mom and you chose me as your daughter. Probably the best choice I ever made. I remember being on the other side of the world in Australia teaching the Gospel. I loved the work so much and had countless life changing experiences. Yet I found the most strength in the letters from home. I know I insisted you and dad write me instead of email (I know that was a little lame of me). But the testimonies that you and dad would share with me seemed to give me the strength to carry on when I felt like I had reached the point of exhaustion. You never cease to amaze me with your continued strength and determination. Thank you for being there for me mom. I hope and pray I can be even half the mother that you were to me. Happy Birthday mom. I love you.

Mom, I remember writing you a letter when I was about 13 or 14 telling you that I knew you were meant to be my mother, and that I was sent to you. You've given me so many memories I cannot begin to tell them all. To name a few; SQUIRT. I loved it, I love it. I wish Jade would do squirt with me now. All in good time. JOB CARDS. I loved checking off my jobs on the laminated 3x5 cards every summer. My guardian helped me. You brought us close to each other every time you could. MUSIC LESSONS. Driving all the way to Fieldbrook, paying for months and months of lessons, harassing us to practice, all the performances. DEVOTIONAL. The spirit, it was there every time. I loved the poems (although I couldn't recite one for you if my life depended on it-I failed you there, sorry) and I loved what I learned about coming together as a family. SCRIPTURE STUDY. You fought for it. You fought for it with so many of us. I'm so grateful you did. My love for the scriptures started there. PATRIOTISM. We sang the star spangled banner every time we went by the big flag on the way to Mckinleyville. TEARS. Mom, you are emotional at every turn. Every happy or sad ending of a movie, in church, at pack meeting, at family get togethers. You have a gift and you are sensitive to the spirit. Thanks for teaching us all to be sensitive to what's important in life, treating others with love and respect, and taking pride in who we are. Mom, you are everything to our family. I thank my Heavenly Father for you. Happy Birthday. 
Some of my greatest memories are summer days at the Arcata pool. I remember mom taking us every day, every summer. We longed for the last day of swimming when we could finally get a Popsicle and an allotment for gummy bears or licorice. Mom always diplomatically solved the eternal battle between the playhouse and cannon. She coached us on how to manage the emotional trauma of the high dive. I love those memories of mom spending time with us during the day, I am lucky to have had you as a mom back then and I'm lucky now to get calls from you about all the great things you still do. Thanks for being such a great example to all of us. Thank you for showing us what the gospel can do to change your life, and helping me to live in those dangerous younger years. Love you mom, and happy birthday. 
Mom. What a wonderful lady you are. Many of my teachers have told me that I must have a wonderful mother if I can do all the things I do. I assure them that she is. 
One thing that I always will remember about mom is canning. Twice a year, hundreds of boxes would take over our yard and more than we expected would usually be left at our house by sunset. We all know how incredibly awesome moms Apricot jam is, how like candy her canned pears are and how one person could easily eat an entire jar of canned peaches. Since leaving home, I always look forward to those phone calls around fruit time when mom calls me and gives me an update. Surprisingly, I miss the phone ringing off the hook with old ladies asking for "the fruit lady." I love moms outlook on life, her free spirit and her hard work ethic. I am so glad she taught us that. I am sad I cant be home this year to give you a little celebration. I love you. I hope your birthday is wonderful. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


June 14, 1979

The story is told about the child that alarmed everyone by not saying a word till she was 4 years old - turns out the reason was that she didn't need anything and life was fine. When I look at pictures of young Sarah, I am reminded of that. She looks so serene and content. It was probably just that Rachel took all the airspace!  Later on Sarah was watchin Rachel's back - ya did a good cover, Sarah! Ya loved your sis. Ya didn't even roll on her for the Dr. Humboldt medicine- man, there's loyalty! Sarah turned into the rebel herself later. I'm sure she would have ended up on probation if her "stealing the admit slips and forging signatures and selling them for 5 bucks" criminal ring with S. Smith at Eureka High School would have been discovered... Who could forget Sarah's "vivacious" demeanor for early morning seminary! I'd come up with one of my early moring corny jokes and she would give me the death stare. I think she actually took a blanket and slept in the back. Once I came home after working very early in the morning and her best friend Laurel was leaving our house - they begged me not to tell that she had spent the night without permission. I found out years after the fact that Sarah and her friends (maybe even with her sister Hannah?) used to ditch school for the whole day and go to Benbow and swim and sunbathe all day. Sarah loves the outdoors and hiking the JMT in 17 days after high schoool graduation was the ultimate! I found out just recently that she almost starved when she moved to Utah after High School. Who could forget some of the guys she brought back for us to meet? All extremes it seems. Thank goodness she found that Jake guy... She has evolved into a wonderful person and mother/friend/wife/daughter/wanna-be activist and not-so closet-feminist. She writes about motherhood and life with a style and insight that is broadly recognized. Ya rock Sarah - hope you always stay amazed.  d
Sarah your birthday always reminds me that the year is half over! There are so so many memories that I share with you. From the Silver Tabs to the child rearing. I feel like we have always been close but the point in which I felt we really grew the closest is when I had Kayla. Suddenly I realized what drove you to put every bit of your heart in to what you do. The point in which I realized how truly loving you are is when I sat in my condo in Bountiful when Kayla was a few days old. I was alone with her and I was crying out of control. I couldn't get her to nurse. I called you, hysterical. It was 10:30 at night. You left your house in Lehi and drove to Bountiful. You worked with me for some time and helped little baby Kayla learn to nurse. I cried then because I was happy, I felt you helped my defeat this challenge. That is only an example of your selfless sisterly love that trumps anything else. I could go on and on about the childhood memories of my big lipped, beautiful, and crazy sister just 18 months older than I. I am truly thankful I have had the opportunity to share my childhood and adult life with such a stalwart friend. I am so lucky to have you. Thank you for being who you are. Happy birthday and I look forward to the many more birthdays to come.
I remember driving to Indio California to meet up with Sarah and Katie to see one of the most talented groups of musicians ever to have combined their talents. We were all so excited and Sarah and Katie blasted their music all the way there. Being around all the people at coachella was like skimming the top of a pool of dirty water. When nickel creek took the stage, a sense of euphoria overtook us and I will never forget Sarah singing louder than Chris Thile. I think he looked over at Sarah swaying violently with her eyes closed. That was such an amazing experience that I will always remember every detail down to the smell of the grass. "grass" 
Sarah and I used to write letters back and forth when she lived in Provo. I've kept all of them and they say the sweetest things. You have always been such a caring big sister. I'll never forget when you took me, Gideon and Naomi to the water slide park in Redding one summer. We had so much fun and our budget only allowed us a single bun from Subway. Not even a whole sandwich. I call that real living. Don't let anything keep you from havin' an adventure. Sarah, you've always had the biggest heart ad been the most loving big sister. You take it upon yourself to love and care for all of us and we feel it! I feel lucky that we get to see each other EVERY week. Your girls are so beautiful and they are lucky that you are their mother. You are so wonderful!

Sarah was always so much older than me. She would brings friends home from high school and they were so old. She brought friends home from college and they were old! Over the past few years, Sarah has let me grow up to be as old as she is. We talk about too many things to count and I feel like we are the same age. Sarah has always been interested in what I am doing with my life. On my way to class, I'll give her a call and we will chat for only a few minutes. Some people talk to siblings for hours at a time. Our lives are busy. I dont have that kind of time. Sarah lets me have five minutes here and three minutes there. Those little phone calls are what keep us so close. Thanks Sarah. Thanks for being such a great big sister. For sharing your kids. Sharing your home. Sharing your love for the world around you with us. Love you.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Read an awesome quote today.

“Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved piece, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‑‑WOW ‑‑ WHAT A RIDE!”

Sunday, May 8, 2011


May 6, 1956

I love, "I just figured hey". I think I laughed for like hours over that saying over the years. It's SO dad. 
One of my best memories of dad is when he took us canoeing before school one morning in the humboldt bay. I was in elementary school. He wouldn't tell us where we were going while driving in the vw bus (even though there was a canoe strapped on the roof rack). So we pulled up to the dock and we were excited and anxious. It was a bright clear, cold morning and we wore our beat up life jackets and tried to help dad move the canoe through the water. I remember bragging to my friends for years about how my dad took us canoeing before school ALL THE TIME (which I think he really only took us that one time). It was so awesome! I had no other friends who's dad ever did that! 
Another memory I have is when we hiked the JMT with Laurel. That will forever go down in my mind's recesses as the time when I truly got to know Dad. No pressures on time, no outside stresses. Just conversations meandering through the wilderness for 17 days. I count myself lucky to have had that experience with Dad. Truly, he had no choice. Laurel and I are very persuasive! :)
Happy Birthday Dad.
Daddy's hoooooooome. The crowds of children would run frantically out the front door and to the volkswagon bus that pulled up with hard-working dad in it. Outside the Oregon Street house was a party when Dad came home. There were usually 3 children dripping from his arms, another few from his legs and others were fighting to get part of one of his limbs. He always had a smile on his face, seemed happy to see his sea of children every evening after work. This was even after a day of phonecalls to his workplace at least 20 times during the day. Between the kids that were able to use the phone and the few calls mom would place, he would be bombarded. Yet we never knew until we became adults, that the boss asked time and time again to limit the incoming calls. Yet Dad, you just couldn't bring yourself to tell us that we couldn't call. Seems like you have kept this going. Now, 20 or so years later, you still make yourself available for your kids. 1000 miles away and I still feel like you are there for me. I don't ever feel like calling you will be a burden and I always feel you like talking to me.
There is no way I could summarize the memories in one post, there are far too many. But Dad, you gave me much more than I could have asked for. A childhood full of adventure, love, laughter, and humor. You deserve to have a fantastic birthday!! Love you Dad!! 
If someone asked me what I thought was the mist significant experience I had with dad, my memory takes me to what led to the most devastating botanical experience of his life. As part of my environmental science merit badge, I was reluctantly entrusted with a delicate fern dad rescued on a backpacking trip. Unintentionally, I swiftly destroyed it. I don't think I realized how devastated dad was, but he didn't breathe a word of frustration or resentment. I've always admired dad's patience and love for those around him. I'm grateful for his great example. Thanks dad
I'll never forget when dad asked me "When does your heart rest?...between beats." Ha ha. That was awesome. I never forgot that. That's dad in a nutshell. Always livin up life to the fullest. We went on a backpacking trip the summer before I left for BYU and we counted the hours and dad fit in as much hiking as he could in those 72 hours. Boy, did we feel it too. But that wasn't any different from any other hiking trip with dad:) Always a death hike! 
Dad, there are too many memories to fit into a few paragraphs. All I can say is that I am who I am today because of all your dad-isms and your unfailing optimism. I remember the very day I asked you what that word meant. Optimism. You should have just said "me."
Love ya dad.

Dad. Where do you even start with a guy like this? Ill start with this. I was talking to you on the phone the other night right after the sun had gone over the horizon. You said you were in the front yard leaning up against the ol' Volvo. The moon was out and told me to check it out. I stepped outside and looked to the west to see a sliver of the moon. It was "pretty cool lookin" as you had said. You said, "Isn't it amazing that we are looking at the same moon right now?" I was a thousand miles away but Dad and I were looking at the moon together. We spotted a few constellations together as well. The tears welled. I miss sitting in the back yard, on the beach, on a mountain top in the wee hours of the morning, or by a lake in the mountains and listening to Dad admire everything around him. His favorite primary song is " Whenever I hear the song of a bird or walk by a lilac tree." I love dads admiration of the earth and its gifts to us.
I love Dads hands. They are so big and strong. They surf. They plant daffodils. They pull his glasses out of his shirt pocket. They fed his kids for 25 years by getting grease and cuts from fixing cars. They held each of us. They blessed us every year before starting school. They have always been there to hug me. They hold mom. I can not wait to someday put my children in those wonderful, beautiful hands.
I love you Dad. Happy Birthday. You're 55 years young.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


April 17, 1994

Dear, dear Bethany...I remember when you were so little! I remember you crying and making a ruckus in church, and Jared was SO lucky, he got to take you out into the foyer and take a breather from sacrament meeting. The thing that I think of first every time I think of you is your spazz-ness, and I mean that only in the most loving way!! You are so dramatic, and have so much energy! You remind me a lot of myself actually. It seems like you went from tiny to teenager so quickly. You are such a loving sister to Isaac, that is what really impresses me about you. You are so patient and loving towards him, and seeing the friendship you two have is so touching! 
One special memory I have of you is actually very recent, but it really affected me and I remember it so fondly. It was when I came home for a long weekend when Grandma was sick. The last night before I was supposed to leave, you slept in the spare room with me and we stayed up for a while talking. You told me about Mateo and school, and I was so tired but I treasured that so much!! I fought like crazy to stay awake because now my little baby sister was talking to me like we were teenagers having a slumber party and I didn't want to miss a second of it. I would give anything to be back in that moment right now and be able to live it again, just for a little while.
I love you so much Bethany, Happy Birthday! Stop growing up so fast!
Love you.

Bethany was always the one who we babied. She made us laugh constantly. She was ADORABLE. She was the skinniest little thing and would often skip dinner because of all the candy we fed her after school. We'd give her candy to hang out with us. We wanted to tease her and tickle her and then generally just love her. She was always smiling and laughing and doing funny things. I remember coming home to visit from college and we would do the "walk on the bum" game all the time. She loved it. She was one of the first ones to burst out of the front door and run toward my car when I pulled up. She's always represented sweetness and love. No judgement, no hard feelings. I don't think I've ever seen her mad (but I didn't live with her during her teenage years, so I'm not exactly sure). I love you Bethany. Happy Birthday.  
Bethany: You were also known as "My Baby." From a very young age, I was rescuing you from your guardian, Jared. Each time I would come home from Yreka, you would run out and I would pick you up. You have always been a spunky, sweet, beautiful little thing and I just love you. One of the saddest days of my life was when Bethany officially learned to say the letter "R." I missed your adorable speech impediment when it left. And what you used to be as a child has only proven to be a precursor to what you have become as a young lady. You are strong, lovely, faithful and still, as always, spunky. I look up to you, Bethany, for your burning desire to do what is right. You are a leader to all you come in contact with. When you graduate highschool, you will be going on to bigger things. Stay as strong as you are now. Pursue your dreams and passions, be everything you want to be little Bethany. Now that I have become at peace with your ability to say your "R"s, I am ready for you to grow up and follow your dreams. Just whatever you do, never change who you are. You are special and amazing. A true gem. 
Love you Bethany.  

Bethany was my roommate. The two years I went to HSU, me and Bethany shared a room. She used to snore EVERY night and, I admit, I may have resorted to pinching her nose shut to get her to wake up and turn over. Then she finally got her tonsils taken out and it helped immensely. We would make farting noises and almost pee our pants laughing so hard. Guess I really hadn't grown up much by attending college. I'll never forget the night she said to me "Miriam, do you ever think about the stars? I try and think about them and it's like my mind wants to go past them but it just can't, no matter how hard I try." That's a deep thought for a 7 year old. And that analytical brain has never quit. We had a lot of spiritual conversations too. Little Bethany. A deep, wise little spirit you are. All my love roommate:) Happy Birthday.

*So, facebook won't let you download their pictures to your computer and I don't have any pictures of you on my computer so sorry it's pictureless:(

Thursday, March 24, 2011


March 10, 1989


Naomi, so graceful and capable. Smart, funny, loves her family. I remember when I was bishop, feeling pretty proud of myself - thinking everyone else was "feelin' the spirit" like I was. I asked the family what they thought of their dad being bishop. I guess I expected replies on how much more spiritual our family was etc. Naomi was like"well, we don't see you that much anymore..." Ouch - back to reality, dad. Once, we were out of town and Naomi was in the back yard throwing a piece of plastic pipe on the roof. She missed once and put it right through the window! One of you kids described the terrified look on her face. If you were to see a picture of Naomi's room when she lived at home as a teenager, you would think the walls were only 6 feet tall, since there was so much stuff on the ground! I think she is fine now. You'd have to ask Colin. Naomi is one of the most helpful people I know - you can always find her engaged in setting up or taking down. She is honest and fair and determined. She is a "make it happen" kind of person. I love(d) to hear her sing and play! Love ya nomes- happy birthday


Naomi, my little butterfly! Besides the hole in the wall from anger, you were incredibly easy to raise. You accepted Hannah's "mothering" graciously and loved her right back. You were never demanding, playing well with or without your siblings. You did love "The Sound of Music" and would pop it in the VCR as soon as the school kids left for school. You would watch all three hours of it every day. I began to sense your demand for excellence while you were in high school. Teachers at school and leaders at church were amazed at your ability to be there on time and be of great help--without having to be told what to do. You expected everyone to have the same values in this and were disgusted at the apathy and laziness of your fellow beings. But the rewards were many for the refusal to back down when a job needed to be done. You gave everything you were involved with 100% of yourself. One of the highlights was when youj received piles of awards as a senior for outstanding orchestra member, choir member and the big ELMA. And though it was no surprise, I was literally bursting with pride. You were also an amazing YW Youth Camp director. You are beautiful, talented, loving and hard-working. Colin is lucky, we are all lucky, to have you. I love you.


Naomi-- an incredible girl... and now an incredible student and musician and wife. I remember when she was little someone said, "Naomi is SUCH a beautiful little girl, she doesn't look anything like you guys!" She really was and still is a classic classic beauty. Like Audrey Hepburn...

I was like a mother to Naomi. Her and Gideon would fight all the time! I took her and Gideon to the redding water park before I moved away to Utah and I didn't bring enough money with me so we bought one bread roll from Subway for like 50 cents on the way back home and we all shared it! We also shared a tent at the redding KOA. Mom and Dad, how did you let me do that??? Naomi is also a fantastic homemaker and wife. Her house is organized and well decorated. SHe remembers where she put things and keeps things clean. She tries new recipes and is going to be a way better wife and caretaker than I ever was! I love you Naomi, you always make every gathering way more fun. xoxoxo


Such a special girl. My favorite day as a child was the day the Naomi was born. She was really my first child. When mom brought her home from the hospital, I thought she was mine. I loved to change her diapers, read her books, dress her and take care of her. I remember when she turned 5. She looked so cute in her poofy little dress. You always had a sweet demeanor. You are always so willing to step in and help out. Quietly grabbing something from someone's full arms, reaching out to grab a crying baby, or listening when someone needs to talk. Naomi you made my childhood, teen years, and adult life so much richer because you are in it. You make me want to be a better person. Thanks for being such a fantastic guardian girl. Even though I was convinced I took care of you over the years, I am pretty sure you took care of me.

Love you little Nomes.

Your guardian


I always remember Naomi tromping around with Gideon (even when they weren't getting into trouble). They seemed to be inseparable. Next thing I knew she was going to humboldt and dating boys. I can't believe how fast she became a grown up. She is so talented and has a great husband. Thanks Naomi.


Naomi, you are so rad. Number seven. Six kids is quite the act to follow. You were always so dang cute. Everyone would say, "Naomi looks so different from the rest of you. She's so cute!!" Yeah, you got all the good looks in the whole family I guess:) But despite your round eyes and dashing little smile, you were the queen of mischief, as well all know. I remember all the peanut butter and macaroni and cheese and toothpaste quite well. I wonder why I never got roped into it, I was the kid just older than you guys. Well, me and you have had enough mischief since then. Humboldt Branch, Florida, Disney World, Utah - that whole summer of incredible fun and memories. We also took a trip to San Fransisco together and drove down the 'rainbow flag' street. I think it was gay pride week or something. Quite the sight.

We've had a lot of good times Naomi, and I look forward to many more.

*Please send me your thoughts, anyone who didn't send one earlier and I'll put them on here.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Grama Dotty

My mother lies in a bed at the hospital. She cannot communicate. She does not respond much. She is asleep most of the time and it is nearly impossible to awaken her. Once in a while, she will scratch her face, pull off a cord, fiddle with her blanket or move her leg. Mostly her eyes are closed.

A blood clot, something so simple, is responsible for this.

It seems so silly to blog about it because it is as common to go through this as getting the flu. But with all of them it is their mother. This is mine.

Tonight, I wiped her very dry mouth and lips. While she lay there unresponsive, I applied the brightest red lipstick I could find in Walgreens. Then a layer of vitamin ointment. She is beautiful. And even though she will not give any indication of a visitor's presence, I know that she would be happy to know a fresh coat of lipstick is ready for them. And if she could, she would kiss them and leave a bit of that lipstick on their cheek.

I do not know what tomorrow will bring. But today is a day for lipstick.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Gift

Today I'm different. I am usually so bright and cheerful most of the day. But a very special friend passed away yesterday, the father of one of my Webelos scout boys. My head has been achy, my heart heavy, my eyes puffy, my mind stricken...

So I watched High School Musical yesterday afternoon. I watched High School Musical 2 today. Not all at once, but it lightened the day to watch something utterly young and frivolous.

I talked to Sarah today and I was wrapped in her love. I talked with the cub scouts about Ruben's dad and I was happy to share my feelings of love for them. I talked with Sister Craig and I again bore my feelings. I feel so much better now.

Someone said that when a good depression comes upon you (not the clinical kind), just sit down, cry, throw a tantrum, eat a half a pie and enjoy it. I am not sure why this hit me so hard. I know Ruben Sr. is happy and at peace. I know the gospel is true and I know the gospel. So why the attack?

But the bigger question is: Why the blanket of healing that come with such overwheming warmth? I am amazed at the ability I have to move on and to be my perky self again. In my special place I carry my little tender griefs, never forgetting the part they play in my life. But the power to pick up and move ahead is a gift. A gift from the Spirit.

Amazing Grace.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


January 4, 1992


One special thing I know about Tammy is that she brought someone very special into the church. A young person named Lilly. Lilly has become a special friend to me (she broke her ankle at girls camp while I was the nurse). It was Tammy's willingness to share about the church that brought Lilly the happiness she enjoys now! We introduced her to the world of great movies, like Lord of the Rings, Bourne, West Side Story, Ever After to name a few. Tammy's favorite thing is road trips. She will miss a Branch temple trip to go to Utah or anywhere with us on a road trip. She never gets carsick, either! I knew Tammy before she came to us at 16 year-old. She was always quiet and happy. She loved piano and church. But my special memory of her was the day that I asked her if she wanted to be a Medley. She lit up so much and said “Oh yes!” The following year, Dad, Tammy, Bethany, Isaac and I went to the Medford Temple to have Tammy sealed to her parents. It was a beautiful experience, Tammy and I clamoring for the Kleenexes!


I didn't ever know Tammy too well until she came in October. We had an hour to ourselves. Mom had gone down to pick up Cafe Rio and Tammy happened to stay behind at my house and we found ourselves in my living room. I asked about her parents and she told me the whole story. All about her time leading up to living with Mom and Dad. We were both in tears. My chest hurt for her. She's been through so much. She's benefitted so much from living with the Medleys, but I think she's taught us all way more about overcoming trials. Love you Tammy! Happy Birthday!


Tammy and her sister will forever be a special part of my young women's experience in Eureka. Kendra was a beehive when I was a Laurel and I always remember her little beautiful blond sister, Tammy. She played the violin and was always smiling. Though I wasn't lucky enough to live at home when you came to join the party, I feel like you were always a part of our family and my adolescence.

We are blessed to have you Tammy. Happy Birthday a few weeks ago!!


Tammy is so special. I remember when her family first started coming to church when she and her sister came to young womens. Her sister, Kendra, was my age and Sister Messerly would always try to help them get to church. Tammys teachers were always amazed that she did so well in school despite all the hard things she went through. I am proud of Tammy and the things she has overcome. I am glad and grateful to the Lord that Tammy came to live with us. We are so lucky. I remember the night she came to live with us. Right before her birthday in January. That was three years ago... I think. The time she has been with us brightened our home and she brought a new sense of humor into the house. I am happy you are part of our family. I love you. We love you.


January 29, 1981


Hannah was one of the “three girls” – right up next to Rachel and Sarah – her smile was incredibly beautiful. She also used to have tantrums when she was a toddler and would really let it go! But, most the time she was cute and gentle ( I think she was tankin’ up for later…) I remember “rescuing:” her from the yellow jacket nest on Oregon Street – she was traumatized! I remember her run ins with Mr. Colyar in Jr high (poor guy) Hannah started her long friendship with Jessica Gabriel. In High school she was chief matchmaker for younger brother Jared and convinced him of the need for romantic partnership. FFA! Yeah! Sheep in the backyard and “Big Mac” at Grampa’s. I used to tease Hannah about being on the meat judging team. Whenever I see Ms. Lovald at EHS I tell her how Hannah is doing. Hannah was 19 as a Senior and decided she wasn’t going to seminary for the 4th year. What could we say? Even Mom couldn’t make her go. Once, when she was a senior and was coming home late etc., I decided I needed to talk to her and kinda “lay down the law” about how she needed to change her behavior. Well, I started lecturing her about how she was going to do such and such and not do such and such, and then I noticed she was shaking her head slightly back and forth and when I stopped talking for a sec she said, “no, dad … no” I realized I was starting a battle that would not have me as a victor! So I retreated to that “persuasion and love unfeigned” scripture and we compromised. Her personality and strength of character exhibited then have since served her well! I remember being so amazed and proud of her independence when she moved to Yreka. Her work at the ambulance was amazing. A highlight was seeing her serve a mission and the unheard of success she had. The classic was when Pres Overton had she and her companion giving door approach lessons to the Elders! Hannah, you are a dynamo! Love ya tons, dad


As the third child, Hannah became the poster child for the stereotype. Yet all her strength, her smiles, her intelligence and determination has been a gift to the world, and especially me. She has taken me with her to Yreka, Australia, and Farmington. She is fresh and frank, open to changing herself where needed, without hesitation. She is always so positive and I never feel like I have to be anyone but myself around her. She is an amazing mother and wife. With Hannah, I can bear my heart and she loves me unconditionally. Every conversation leaves me wrapped securely in her loving arms, and everywhere she goes people feel that way about her. When something needs doing or someone needs rescuing, it is Hannah to whom we turn.


Favorite memories of Hannah...

Doing the paper route... for some reason I remember one time we left the house to deliver the tri-city weekly paper (the free one). We walked about a half a block away, dumped all the papers behind a thick tree, and walked around for two hours. Mom and Dad never knew (I guess they do now!).

Cutting school-- I asked Hannah one day or her freshman year if she wanted to go to the beach instead of class. She looked mortified. I talked her into it after she was nervous about getting in trouble, and she never looked back! She's cut many many classes since that "first time"!

Her skinny legs-- She has the skinniest legs. They taper to almost pencil thinness. So much like Mom's legs!

Borrowing Money-- I probably owe her like a thousand dollars. When we were in elementary and junior high, she'd save her money from the paper route and I'd spend all mine on candy and junk food. So when my money was gone, I was like a druggie. I'd go to her begging for ten bucks, five bucks, anything to buy some sugar after school. She'd always give it to me... with all my empty promises to pay it back... she was such an obedient sister. Such a good person! :)

Happy Birthday Hannah!!!!


I knew it was Hannah's birthday today, but when I realized she was 30, that can't be right. We still both work at the Sizzler together and rock climb on the weekends. Last I remember Hannah was just out of high school working as an EMT in Yreka. She was speeding down the mountain on her snowboard at Mount Shasta, and I could barely keep up. It was just a few years ago we would ditch out on half the school day and go skimming at Moonstone. I wish Dad would have been ditching church meetings to go surfing back then, it would have made it a lot easier for Hannah and I to get some sympathy. I remember like it was yesterday, Hannah and I singing "Somewhere Out There" at the Eureka High student assembly. I remember the toy Dodger dog flying through the air toward my face, followed by 5 stitches on my right cheek, Hannah cried more than I did I think. Even though she had thick skin, I could tell she cared so much about me. When I cried, she cried harder. I wish I could have comprehended at that age the power I had over her emotions. I remember her telling me that my face paint from a ward Halloween party would make my head shrivel to the size of a pea. I have many mixed emotional memories of our childhood, but when I think about Hannah, I think about the amazing strength and determination that she carries with her, that has given me so much strength throughout our lives. Thanks Hannah, happy 30.


We wrote to each other faithfully during both our missions. We've both had super short hair. We both wear glasses. We both love Lord of the Rings and reading in general. We went and saw the third one together when you were on call at the ambulance in Yreka! I was the first to meet Sean and you were one of the first to meet Aaron. Our husbands love each other. I have cried to you about too many things in my life to remember and you have helped lift me up every single time - I will never forget that.

I know you were put in my life for certain times and reasons. The ones mentioned above are only a few of those blessed ones.

Love ya Han.


My Guardian. I hope you have the best birthday ever. I wish I could be there to celebrate it with you. I am so grateful that you are so loving to all of us. You are always willing to have us over, to party at Sarahs house and be the life of the party. I love that you share your wonderful daughter with us and that you are bringing another one into our lives. I cant wait to meet it!

One thing I remember is when Hannah gave me the pink lamb stuffed animal. We all argued over what it really was but it didnt matter. It was mine. I still have it and it still has the little scent thing in the top and it smells like candy. I love you Hannah. Thanks for being the best guardian ever!!!
